CFO on Demand
CFO on Demand allows you as a business owner to get your hands around the fiscal state of your company. Learn and understand your company's financial position, through quarterly/monthly consulting with a financial business expert, so you can make strategic decisions to strengthen your company. Take control of your company's growth, rather than the company controlling you.
Not only will you be able to set clear actionable goals for company sustainability and growth but you will have a financial expert that can assist you along the way!
There are two tiers of the annual membership based on the frequency of CFO consulting.
SNAPSHOT is our quarterly consulting level.
SPARK is our monthly consulting level.
Here is what you get in the membership:
My Business
Identify your company's Past, Present and Future fiscal state.
Gain a clear understanding of what the numbers are saying
Be empowered to make strategic decisions to establish company:
Set metrics and
Clear benchmarks
Quarterly/Monthly Meetings with
Your Business Financial Expert
Tailored Expert Access
Added Accountability
Quarterly/MonthlyMaster Session
Be confident in having a partner that walks alongside you
Get Expert Financial Business Consulting to ensure that you are on the right track
Documented Success Metrics
Clear Key Performance Indicators\
Targeted Financial Reporting
Have Clarity - No more financial uncertainty
My Fiscal Health Dashboard Analysis
Establish Where the Business is Going
Create a Roadmap to Get There
Understand the Connection Between the Financials and Operations
Waste Spending
Get more out of every dollar
Stop “the bleeding”
Access to
Organized Money™
Proven Formula so you never feel stuck or unsure